PicoSure Laser NY, NJ | Laser Tattoo Removal, Long Island
At Advanced Dermatology in Bellmore, NY and Ridgewood NJ we specialize in tattoo removal. Learn more about how the PicoSure laser can remove unwanted tattoos.
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How does PicoSure work?

Until the launch of PicoSure, Q-Switched lasers had been considered the gold standard for removing tattoos. Q-switched laser treatments use thermal energy to heat up and break apart the ink particles. Now with PicoSure, ultra-short pulses (one trillionth of a second in length!) hit the ink particle with a pressure so great, the ink shatters into tiny dust-like particles. Because the particles are so small, they are more readily absorbed and eliminated by the body. This can mean better clearance of the tattoo and less treatments overall! Every tattoo is unique and contains different colors and different volumes of ink. It’s important to speak with a PicoSure doctor to find out how many treatments you may need, and what to expect.

As the number of individuals with tattoos has increased, so has the need for improved tattoo removal methods. Tattoo removal methods have evolved from potentially harmful treatments that often had painful and sometimes permanent side effects to less harmful methods with good results. Until the introduction of laser tattoo removal, people resorted to tattoo removal methods such as acid treatments, surgical excision, and dermabrasion.

PicoSure tattoo removal often requires fewer treatments than traditional Q-Switched lasers. Also, PicoSure patients and doctors have reported better clearance (or “disappearance) of the tattoo with improved recovery time.

Picosecond vs. Nanosecond Technology

Traditional nanosecond lasers predominately rely on photothermal action, delivering heat to the pigment and surrounding tissue. PicoSure takes advantage of PressureWave Technology to shatter the target ink into tiny particles that are easily eliminated by the body.

Ultra-short Pulse Duration Is the Difference

Picosecond pulse width is 100X shorter than nanosecond technology.

Only ultrashort pulse durations trigger photomechanical effect.

With this short pulse width, half the fluence is required compared to Q-Switched nanosecond lasers.

Source: Cynosure.

Tattoo Removal Has Never Been Easier

Laser technology has made it possible to remove unwanted tattoos via a faster and safer method that ever before. No longer will patients need to consider skin-damaging treatments such as acid removal, excision, and dermabrasion. Today’s aesthetic lasers offer a proven alternative for safer and more effective ink removal. Lasers remove the ink by targeting ink’s pigment with a high intensity light beam causing it break up into smaller molecules. The ink is then absorbed by the natural bodily processes, fading the tattoo until it is no longer visible.